P2B FirmBuilders works with clients on all aspects of their digital marketing programs including strategy, design, content development, and execution. Digital marketing, one of the cornerstones of an integrated marketing program, includes websites, social media, advertising, direct marketing, podcasts, and webinars.
Websites are the center of firms’ brands and communications. They are the repository of thought leadership and news and serve as online brochures. P2B FirmBuilders has deep experience with creating websites for firms that range in size from more than a thousand attorneys, to midsized firms to solo practitioners. We scope out website projects, create competitive positioning frameworks, develop project plans, and craft and edit content. We will also schedule photographers, chase practice group leaders, and post content.Social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and X can be used to maintain relationships, distribute thought leadership, and build personal brands. Communication and engagement through social media can be a first or an intermediary step in the sales process. FirmBuildersTM develops social media strategies and policies, provides customized training and coaching, writes and edits profiles, and helps develop and distribute content. Our social media training programs teach professionals how to use platforms such as LinkedIn.
Online advertising in the form of "boosting" has become a valuable tool for professional services firms. P2B FirmBuilders helps lawyers disseminate thought leadership and build their follower network by developing strategic programs for boosting posts and inviting followers to join the firm's or individual's network. For firms that prefer that lawyers and staff distribute client communications and post on social media posts themselves, we help by implementing technological solutions or manual procedures to maintain contact with networks.
Regular communications, through direct marketing, with firm contacts help lawyers through the long selling cycle. P2B FirmBuilders works with firms to maintain top-of-the-mind and brand awareness of the firm as well as generate interest and leads for targeted service areas. Though it may seem simple, direct marketing is a several-part process involving mailing list management, content development, and graphic design. P2B FirmBuilders can select and manage the firm's CRM or mailing list manager, develop and design the content, and mail it to segments of the mailing list. Direct marketing can also take place through social media.
Podcasts are an effective way to demonstrate the firm's expertise. P2B FirmBuilders works with attorneys to develop a content strategy and to produce the podcasts. We also will help identify other distribution channels.
Webinars became an element of marketing programs during the COVID pandemic when firms could not schedule in-person meetings. Now, they are integral to a visibility program. P2B FirmBuilders can produce a webinar by identifying topics, arranging industry speakers, obtaining sponsors from other firms and professional organizations, scheduling rehearsals, and disseminating short sections of the overall program.