Websites are the center of firms’ brands and communications. They are the repository of thought leadership and news and also serve as online directories. Keeping the website functionality, design and content up to date is one of a firm's biggest marketing challenges.
Developing a new website can be an expensive and time intensive endeavor. Deciding upon which technology platform to use, how to brand the firm, creating the look and feel of the site and updating and creating the content can stymie most firm marketing committees and departments. No matter what size the firm is, it is difficult to make the time available to move this large, sensitive and critical project from inception to completion.P2B FirmBuilders has deep experience with creating websites for firms that range in size from more than a thousand attorneys, to midsized firms to solo practioners. We scope out website projects, create competitive positioning frameworks, develop project plans as well as craft and edit content. We will also schedule photographers, chase practice group leaders and post content.
We build on secure and stable platforms that are scaled to the size of the firm and the complexity of its site. The content management systems on the backend of the sites make it easy for firms to take responsibility for updating their content.