Lawyers, accountants, consultants and other professional services providers use social media sites as contact managers, vehicles for disseminating thought leadership, research tools and mechanisms for engaging target audiences. Communication and engagement through social media can be a first or intermediary step in the sales process.
P2B FirmBuilders develops social media strategies and policies, provides customized training and coaching, edits profiles, blogs and profile pages and helps develop content. We develop marketing and content strategies for online properties including websites, blogs, LinkedIn profiles, firm pages and groups as well as Facebook pages. P2B FirmBuilders crafts social media policies that incorporate the rules of conduct of the states in which firms do business. Our social media training programs teach professionals how to use platforms such as LinkedIn for marketing and business development and on-line etiquette. ?For firms that prefer that each professional distribute his or her own client alerts, blog posts, newsletters and announcements, we can help by implementing technological solutions or manual procedures to maintain contact with networks.